Hunters and landowners can come together
There's a lot of talk about how hunters and landowners can better work together. Talk is fine, but action is the best. My group, DEER Camp ( aims to build a program that helps bring hunters and landowners together to build a network of more ethical hunters, build and repair relationships with landowners and find that common ground that used to be so, well, common. That's why I'm a Montana Wildlife Federation Ambassador and taking One Montana's Master Hunter Program, to be that better hunter, and to help others be better as well.
People like to divide us. That's how they exert power over us as a people, and as citizens of Montana. Only when we come together, and learn to listen to the problems of others, will we find that once fertile ground again. I'm enrolled in the Master Hunter program so that I can help be the next generation of Montana hunters to be friends with the working rancher and farmer, while also bringing new people to the community of hunters in Montana who have been so welcoming of me.