Tuesday, January 24th, Helena MT

No person's hunting opportunity is safe when the Legislature is in session! If you care about the future of wildlife management and our access to the Great Outdoors, join us for ‘Elk Camp at the Capitol’ on Tuesday January 24th.
That’s when hunters and anglers across Montana will gather in Helena to celebrate our outdoor legacy and talk with lawmakers who are making decisions about our public lands, wildlife heritage, and shared public access. This is our day to make a difference. If we don’t show up, laws will be written without our input.
Please help us get a head count by registering to attend.

11:30 am: Busses arrive at Capitol Building
11:30-12:30 pm: Elk Camp on the Lawn Rally
12:30-1:00 pm: Break for lunch
1:00-2:30 pm: Advocacy training
2:30-4:30 pm: Meeting w/ lawmakers
5:00pm: Busses depart
Bus departs Billings at 6 am from Cabelas parking lot (4550 King Ave. East)
Bus departs Livingston at 8:30am from Albertson’s parking lot (2120 Park St.)
Bus departs Bozeman at 9:15am from Walmart Supercenter parking lot (1500 N. Seventh Ave.)
Bus departs Missoula at 9am from Walmart Supercenter parking lot (3555 Mullan Rd.)
All busses depart Helena at 5pm and return to Missoula, Bozeman, Livingston, and Billings
**Coffee and donuts will be provided on each bus.**
It’s time to remind lawmakers that Montanans want solutions, not more conflict. This will be one our best opportunities during the Legislative Session to voice support for sound wildlife management and better relationships between hunters and landowners. On January 24th we need your voice to help:
Boost Montana’s Block Management Hunter Access Program;
Establish the Montana Legacy Trust to improve wildlife habitat across the State;
Prevent efforts that weaken public access or the Habitat Montana program;
Keep politicians out of day-to-day wildlife management;
Ensure Montanans always have a say in how wildlife is managed, and how we set our seasons.

Elk Camp Speakers
Sen. Jeff Wellborn
Jeff represents Senate District 36 in Beaverhead County. His work has led to better outcomes for landowners, outfitters and hunters. He is the current chair of the Senate Natural Resources Committee and his family has been in livestock production in Beaverhead County for generations. He lives in Dillon, MT.
Rep. Tom France
Tom represents House District 94 in Missoula County. Tom has been a leader in wildlife conservation for decades. As a former regional executive director at the National Wildlife Federation, Tom worked to develop broad partnerships to better conserve land, water, and wildlife in the Northern Rockies. He lives in Missoula, MT.
Pat Byorth
Pat recently finished his term as a Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Commissioner, where he represented Region 3 and championed a science-based management approach. Pat is a former fisheries biologist and currently works at Trout Unlimited to restore instream flows and fish habitat through community-based efforts and water policy reform. He lives in Bozeman, MT.
Dusty Crary
Dusty Crary owns and operates 7 Lazy P Outfitting and is currently President of the Montana Outfitters and Guides Association. Dusty has been active in protecting wildlife habitat along the Rocky Mountain Front for over three decades and helped pass the Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act in 2013. He lives in Choteau, MT.
George Bettas
George is founder and past President of the Mule Deer Foundation, served as Chair of the Board for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and recently retired as Executive Director of Boone and Crockett Club. He currently serves on the leadership council of the Montana Citizen’s Elk Management Coalition and lives in Stevensville, MT.